If you sustained an injury in a bicycle accident due to another person’s negligence, do not hesitate to contact the Liberty personal injury lawyers of House Packard McElderry, LLC. You might be entitled to compensation for your medical care and other expenses. We could represent you in your case against the negligent party and hold them liable for their misconduct.
Although bikes are convenient to ride through traffic and a good source of exercise, they can be dangerous. Whether you ride your bicycle to work every day or use it for leisure, you risk an injury when you’re around vehicles. A driver’s carelessness could cause an accident despite the safety precautions you take.
Bicyclists are susceptible to severe and debilitating injuries in car accidents. Bikes don’t offer the same protection as motor vehicles. Riders don’t have airbags or seatbelts to keep them safe during a collision. The violent force of an impact can have deadly consequences for the biker.
The Liberty bicycle accident attorneys of House Packard McElderry, LLC know the struggles you face after a crash. You need to seek medical treatment to heal your injury but also want to hold the at-fault party liable for their actions. Handling both responsibilities can be overwhelming. We are ready to take over your case so you can focus on recovering.
Call House Packard McElderry, LLC at (816) 381-9105 today for your free consultation. We can review the circumstances of your case and advise you about the available legal options.

Common Types of Bicycle Accidents
Various factors can contribute to an accident between a bicyclist and a motorist. Whether a driver isn’t paying attention to their surroundings or breaks a traffic law, the biker could end up on a collision course with a motor vehicle. It’s critical to contact House Packard McElderry, LLC immediately after a bicycle accident. The longer you wait, the more you risk running out of time to pursue legal action against the negligent driver. One of our bicycle accident attorneys in Liberty, MO, can begin an investigation into the incident to determine who was at fault and gather the available evidence to prove what happened. You should not attempt to handle your case alone. Let us be your advocate and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.
The most common types of bike accidents include:
Motorists should pass bicyclists with enough space between the bike and vehicle. Passing too closely could lead to a sideswipe accident and run the rider off the road.
Bicyclists typically don’t have to worry about high-speed accidents while riding through parking lots. However, drivers could back out of a parking space into a passing biker if they don’t look behind them first.
Drivers must slow down and proceed cautiously when approaching a left-turn lane. They should let approaching traffic pass before completing the turn. Turning left without checking for oncoming traffic could result in a collision with a biker.
Designated bicycle lanes are often available, so riders don’t have to share the road with cars. However, bikers must sometimes ride in the same lane as vehicles. An impatient driver might tailgate and crash into the back of the bicycle if the rider stops suddenly.
Bike lanes are often adjacent to parking spaces on the side of the street. A driver who parks their car and doesn’t check behind them could open their door into the path of an oncoming biker.
The Liberty bicycle accident attorneys of House Packard McElderry, LLC can help you seek compensation if you were hurt in an accident.
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Common Causes of Bike Accidents
Many drivers don’t notice bicyclists on the road or ignore them entirely. Some motorists enter intersections without yielding the right of way, or they turn without checking for approaching bikers. A lack of attention and failure to comply with traffic laws places bikers in danger. The most common causes of bicycle accidents include:
When drivers and bicyclists share a lane, the driver must keep their distance. Allowing enough space between the bike and car gives the motorist the time they need to come to a complete stop when necessary. Tailgating can cause severe injuries to the biker. When drivers can’t stop in time, rear-end collisions can occur.
Speeding reduces the amount of control motorists have over their cars. They could lose control and collide with a nearby biker. High-speed collisions can be fatal to bicyclists. Drivers who don’t adjust their speed around others can cause catastrophic accidents.
Alcohol and drugs significantly disrupt a person’s mental and physical abilities. Drivers don’t make good decisions, focus on the task at hand, or react quickly to dangers while under the influence.
Driver distractions are common. Anything could redirect a motorist to an activity other than driving and lead to an accident. According to statistics, 3,142 people died in distracted driving accidents in 2020.
Driving while tired is as dangerous as drunk driving. Fatigued motorists lack the necessary judgment and reflexes to drive their vehicles safely.
Do not hesitate to contact House Packard McElderry, LLC if someone caused your injuries in a bike accident. Our Liberty bicycle accident attorneys are ready to represent you in your case and seek the justice you deserve. We can create a strategy to meet the unique needs of your situation and try to reach the best possible outcome. You can count on us to remain by your side until the end.
Statute of Limitations to File a Lawsuit
Missouri’s law defines a five-year period for filing against the at-fault party. That means you must file your lawsuit within five years from the date of the bike accident. If the timeframe passes, you could lose your right to hold the negligent party liable and seek compensation. The Missouri statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death lawsuit allows a three-year period. The timeframe begins on the date of your loved one’s death instead of the date of the injury if they are different.
Contact Us
House Packard McElderry, LLC will protect your rights from the moment you hire us. Our bicycle accident attorneys in Liberty, MO, know the challenges you will face while pursuing the money owed to you by the negligent driver. You should not suffer the consequences of their wrongdoing. You can depend on us to help you through this difficult time in your life. At House Packard McElderry, LLC, we believe in representing clients who get hurt because of someone else’s misconduct. You won’t have to face the legal process alone. We will complete every step on your behalf and aggressively seek the maximum compensation available. With us by your side, you can be confident that you have a dedicated team fighting for you. If you suffered injuries in a bicycle accident that wasn’t your fault, call House Packard McElderry, LLC at (816) 381-9105 for your free consultation.